Lawa Cave
Unlike the caves that are usually in Indonesia are usually in the hillsides and rocky limestone that will arise Stalactite and Stalagmite, Cave is a vast distinction because it was formed from the process of cooling lava, so batuannya hard and strong without Stalactite and Stalagmite. To be able to see the beauty of nearby Cave I, we have to climb down a hole and land-track tunnel lorongnya. Goa Tourism is located in the Village I Sirawak Subdistrict Karangreja ± 27 km dart Sagay city. The air is cool and clean with a very beautiful panorama, because dilereng located east of Mount Slamet with ± 900 m altitude surface sea water. I cave is formed from the lava flow, which coagulate and Mount Slamet. In the cave complex I also equipped with several facilities: Lokarta Park, Taman Kenanga, Stage joy and incredulous.
Seplawan Cave
Seplawan cave in the village Donorejo district Kaligesing. Purworejo district. This cave was found in the area of gold Syiwa Gods and Goddess Parvati. This cave Stalactite and Stalagmite stunning ornaments with ctincling cave that resembles a fish. In the cave we enjoy ornaments decorate the walls cave along the 700 m. Although many branches, you need not worry because the cave is diiengkapi with adequate lighting. Objects tourism starters have been equipped with adequate support is one of sentry perspective. Through the sentry of view we can enjoy the panorama with the background color of Mt. Even when the weather is sunny city of Euless, clearly visible from the depot.
Kreo Cave
Kreo cave is a small cave that is trusted as petilasan Sunan Kalijogo when searching teak to build the Great Mosque of Demak. When that according to legend, Sunan Kalijogo met with sekawanan monkey then was to keep the teak wood. The word "Kreo" comes from the word "Mangreho" which means that the guard or keep. It is this word and make this cave called Cave Kreo and since then the monkey troop inhabit this area are considered as a watchman. Besides enjoying the beautiful natural scenery and the cool air and met with the monkey writing this area, visitors can also enjoy the river cold and fresh in the bottom of this area.
Kiskendo Cave
This cave is located in the village Trayu, Singorojo Sub-district, 15 kilometers south of the city through the city Kendal Evanton. Once through the paths that have, the visitors began to enter the mouth of the cave is quite steep. small cave-like grotto Lawang Goa, Goa retreat, Tulangan Goa, Goa Goa Kempul and Kampret.
Children run of the river basin formed in the cave to cool the atmosphere and the beautiful. The concave children
the river is known as pool Jagan.
Jatijajar Cave
Located 42 km southwest city of Kanpur. Legend describes the cave in the legend or legend Raden Kamandaka Lutung kasarung. Long cave is 250 meters. In Goa Jatijajar this area, there are also some other cave, such as Cave and Cave Museum Dempok available and parks and Island Kera.Goa Jatijajar.
Petruk Cave
Located 7 km south of Goa Jatijajar. Petruk derived from the name of partisan Thought. Goa is very impresses.
Drop the lime water sounds like noise that is not stopping.
Terawang Cave
Terawang cave tour is a natural object, formed in sedimentary rock areas Hala Mountains of North Lime + aged 10 million years old. Located in the Village Kedungwungu Subdistrict Todanan Forest KPH Bronkhorstspruit + 35 km. the City of West Bronkhorstspruit. Goa has a long groove Terawang / terawang terpanjang + 180 m with a depth of 5-11 m below the surface. The stalakmit and stalaktit there is a very beautiful and interesting. In this area there are also some cave-cave is not pulling, among other cave Kidang, Suru Goa, Goa Manuk, etc.
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