Monday, January 18, 2010

Ujung Kulon National Park

Travel Tourism Indonesia from Indonesia Blog aims to Recognize and Visit Tour Destinations in Pandeglang this time will lead to Ujung Kulon National Park in Pandeglang district of West Java, Banten Province Indonesia. Ujung Kulon National Park is a place for the protection of native wildlife in Indonesia which will be protected as threatened extinction such as the Javan rhino.

west end, recognize and visit attractions pandeglangDi National Park also contains Rare Flora and Fauna linnya. Ujung Kulon National Park declared by Unesco as one of the Natural World Heritage Site, this area includes the Regional Handeuleum Island, Island Peucang, Panaitan Island, North and Honje Mount Jaya Park as a whole has mluas approximately 136.655 ha.

In the area of Ujung Kulon National Park there are many many resorts are very interesting to visit such as:

Park Tamanjaya and Cibiuk, a resort with the main entrance to the facility, information center, guest house, dock, hot springs.
Kalejetan beach, the Coral Beds, Cibandawoh, which is a beach resort with the phenomenon of ocean waves and sandy beaches south heavy, observing plants and animals.

Peucang Island
A very beautiful island dabn stunning denganPantai white sand, coral reefs, ocean waters are clear blue is ideal for swimming events, diving, fishing, snorkeling and an ideal place for observing animals in the deer species natural habitat.

Coral Copong, Citerjun, Cidaon, Ciujungkulon, Cibunar, Tanjung Layar, and Ciramea.
Exploring the forest, scour the river, meadow grazing animals, waterfalls and the turtle nesting.

Handeuleum Island, Cigenter, Cihandeuleum.
Observing animals (bull, boar, deer, rhino footprints Java and various kinds of birds), scour the river in the mangrove forest ecosystem.

Panaitan Island, and Mount Mercury.
The island is very beautiful and exotic with the natural panorama very numb. Here you can Diving, surfing, and there is a place of cultural tourism / history.

Sekeda Information: If you have plans to visit the summer resort's best to visit between the months of April through September.

Jakarta - Serang (1 1 / 2 hours via the toll road), Serang - Pandeglang - Labuan (1 1 / 2 hours) or Jakarta - Cilegon (2 hours via the toll road), Cilegon - Labuan (1 hour) or Bogor - Rangkasbitung -- Pandeglang - Labuan (4 hours).
Labuan - The Well (2 hours), the Well - Peucang Island (1 hour by fishing boat) or Labuan - Peucang Island (4 hours by fishing boat).



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